Project Info

Trumps in hand

Concrete has been a fundamental ingredient in construction for decades and is undergoing a revolution when combined with 3D printing technology. This technology enables precise placement of concrete, reducing material waste and CO2 emissions. The freedom of form offered by 3D printing enables intricate designs and shapes previously impossible with traditional methods. This flexibility enables personalized designs at minimal additional cost and reduces reliance on skilled labor, making construction more efficient.

Concrete where needed

One of those strengths is the concrete printer's ability to place concrete only where it is constructively needed. Traditionally poured concrete is massive and contains much more concrete than is constructively needed. As a result, unnecessary concrete is used, which is bad for CO2 emissions because cement production releases a lot of this greenhouse gas.

New shapes

3D printing an intricate shape in concrete is no more complicated or expensive for the printer than a straight shape. This offers opportunities for design, efficiency and sustainability. With 3D concrete printing, very fine concrete structures become possible. This makes concrete buildings and structures with whole new shapes possible.


The prefabricated robotic process of 3D concrete printing offers a significant advantage at a time when there are fewer and fewer skilled workers available. The use of automated 3D concrete printing technology reduces reliance on manual labor, which is especially beneficial in a market with a shortage of skilled construction workers. As a result, construction projects can still be completed on time and on budget.

Project info

  • Project Milestone

    An innovative project is changing the future of construction in the Eindhoven new housing estate of Meerhoven in the Netherlands. After the first commercial 3D printed concrete house was realized in 2021, the remaining four houses will be printed this year. These are expected to be available on the market by mid-2025, setting new standards in modern comfort, sustainability and architectural...

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  • High ambitions

    Building on the success and lessons learned from the first home, the final four homes will consist of two and three floors. These homes demonstrate the design flexibility of 3D concrete printing, with load-bearing interior walls and multi-functional exterior walls. Printing will begin in 2024 and completion is expected in mid-2025. This project will once again push the boundaries of 3D...

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  • Trumps in hand

    Concrete has been a fundamental ingredient in construction for decades and is undergoing a revolution when combined with 3D printing technology. This technology enables precise placement of concrete, reducing material waste and CO2 emissions. The freedom of form offered by 3D printing enables intricate designs and shapes previously impossible with traditional methods. This flexibility...

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  • Research Program

    The beginning of 3D concrete printing for this project has its origins in 2005. In 2015, the original experiment was followed up on a much larger scale.

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  • Living in Bosrijk

    The 3D concrete printed houses are in Bosrijk in the new housing estate Meerhoven, Eindhoven. A high level of ambition in terms of sustainability and spatial and architectural quality was set in the development of Bosrijk. For example, the houses will have no natural gas connection.

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